Train and Transform your

Manipulation Techniques

with our face to face small group courses 


Expert tailored tutition

All courses are delivered by Jamie Archer, Osteopath and international expert on manipulation.

Jamie is a senior clinic tutor and lecturer at The College of Osteopaths, UK and co-founder of The Applied Technique Hub.


Nationally Accredited


Internationally Recognised

We teach manual medicine practitioners across the world and our small group courses are accredited by the Sports Therapy Organisation.


Small group to Maximise Learning

Minimum 2 - Maximum 6 participants

Practical sessions designed to give you as much hands on practice and real time feedback so you can acclerate your progress and improve your manipulation performance.


Cost effective CPD

outside of London

Free parking

Refreshments included

 Workbook provided

Ongoing support after the course



Elite Manipulator Series


incorporating the                                     approach. 


These courses are for all Manual Therapy Practitioners who aspire to take their manipulation skills to a higher level. 



Manipulator Series

 incorporating the                                           





These courses are for all Manual Medicine Practitioners who aspire to take their manipulation skills to a higher level. 

Please contact us to host any of the following courses.

Certificate in Osteopathic Mobilisation Technique


Next Course: 13th - 15th June 2025

This 3-day certified immersive course will provide both final year students as well as qualified experienced manual practitioners with the skills to apply safe and effective osteopathic mobilisation / articulation technique to their clients and patients. This course will provide delegates with a solid foundation in applied technique in order to progress onto other methods such as impulse or HVLA manipulation.

Accredited by the Sports Therapy Organisation.


More Details

'From the Atlas to the Sacrum' Foundation Course


Next Course: 26th-27th July 2025

This highly practical two day course will introduce participants to the safe and effective application of spinal mobilisation and specific manipulative techniques  (HVLA / Grade 5). Accredited by the Sports Therapy Organisation.

This course is great place to start if you are a final year student, new graduate who felt their training lacked enough high quality practical manipulative skill development or a registered practitioner who would like to get rid of bad habits or refresh their knowledge and skill.

More details

'From the Atlas to the Sacrum'

Higher Level Course


Next Course: 28th - 29th June 2025

This course follows on from our FOUNDATION course and delves deeper into the application of HVLA /  grade 5 manipulations.  This thorough and practical course will further develop the high level of skill required to successfully apply these techniques in a clinical setting, as well as revisit the methods learnt in our 2 day FOUNDATION course.


More Details

'Osteopathic Neurology' Clinical Skills Refresher Day

Next Course: Sunday 6th April 2025

Length: 1 day

Who: If you are a student this would really help cement your learning before your final clinical examination or other practical examinations or if you are already graduated, this would be a great refresher for you to take back to your practice.

What: The day would take you through both the upper and lower limb examinations as well as the cranial nerves. The examinations will be broken down in order to allow you time to practice and make sense of clinical findings, before then adding everything together to build your confidence. There will be time for group discussion as well as some fun clinical conundrums to solve.

Where: Derbyshire, UK


  • Applied anatomy of each cranial nerve
  • Assessment of each nerve
  • Common dysfunctions of the nerves and what that means
  • Clinical Conundrums

Investment: The Applied Technique Hub Members: £99

Non-members:  £120 (Refreshments included | Free parking)

Minimum of 4 - Maximum of 6 Participants

Workbook and Certificate of completion provided.

Non-members Book here:
The Applied Technique Hub Members Book here:

'Osteopathic Neurology: Clinical Skills Refresher Day' 

Next Course: Sunday 6th April 2025

Length: 1 day

Who:  If you are a student this would really help cement your learning before your final clinical examination or other practical examinations or if you are already graduated, this would be a great refresher for you to take back to your practice. 

What: The day would take you through both the upper and lower limb examinations as well as the cranial nerves. The examinations will be broken down in order to allow you time to practice and make sense of clinical findings, before then adding everything together to build your confidence. There will be time for group discussion as well as some fun clinical conundrums to solve. 

Where: Derbyshire, UK


  • Applied anatomy of each cranial nerve
  • Assessment of each nerve
  • Common dysfuntions of the nerve and what that means
  • Clinical Conundrums


The Applied Technique Hub members: £99

Non-members: £120

(Refreshments included | Free parking)

Minimum of 4 - Maximum of 6 Participants

Workbook and Certificate of completion provided.

Non members book here
The Applied Technique Hub Members Book here

Osteopathic Clinical Workshop

Next Course: 17th - 18th May 2025

Length: 2 day

Who: Osteopathic Students.

What: This is a 2 day practical workshop on revising and applying clinical skills in preparation for your final osteopathic clinical competency (CAA). The aim of this relaxed interactive workshop is to hone your skills, cement your knowledge and calm your nerves!

The two days will include:

  • Recap on clinical examinations (neurological, cardio-vascular, respiratory, abdominal)
  • Musculo-skeletal assessment and treatment approaches
  • Exploration and discussion of clinical cases. 

Where: Derbyshire, UK

Investment: £397

(Refreshments included | Free parking)

Minimum of 4 - Maximum of 6 Participants

Book your place here

Certificate in Osteopathic Mobilisation Technique 

Next course: 13th - 15th June 2025

Length: 3 day course (Accredited by the Sports Therapy Organisation)

Who: Registered Practitioners: Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Medical Doctors and final year students of the above professions are eligible to attend this course.


This 3-day certified immersive course will provide both students as well as qualified experienced manual practitioners with the skills to apply safe and effective osteopathic mobilisation / articulation technique to their clients and patients. This course will provide delegates with a solid foundation in applied technique in order to progress onto other methods such as impulse or HVLA manipulation.

Osteopathic Mobilisation uses varying speeds which are mostly low velocity as well as varying amplitudes depending on the patient in front of you. These methods can be effective in helping to reduce musculoskeletal pain, improve quality and range of motion in joints, relax hypertonic muscles and restore function.

Where: Derbyshire, UK

We will cover Osteopathic Mobilisation Techniques for: 

Upper limb and Lower limb

Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar spine

Sacro iliac joint

Investment: £475.00 (Refreshments included | Free Parking)

Minimum of 3 - Maximum of 6 participants

Workbook provided

Bonus: 1 weeks FREE access and ongoing support inside The Applied Technique Hub Membership area

*Please note that the title ‘Osteopath; is protected by law and only those registered with the General Osteopathic Council are entitled to advertise and practice as an Osteopath. This course does not enable participants to use the title of Osteopath.


Participants will learn:

  • An osteopathic approach

  • Long and short lever methods

  • The moving dynamic fulcrum

  • How to apply your clinical anatomy

  • How to apply and adapt the technique to the patient in front of you

  • Case scenarios

  • Techniques for specific MSK conditions

    Ongoing assessment will take place over the three days with a practical assessment on the final day to meet the high standards of The Applied Technique Hub. If met, a Certificate in Osteopathic Mobilisation Technique will be granted.
Booking details

'From the Atlas to the Sacrum'

Foundation Course


Next course: 26th-27th July 2025

Length: 2 day course (Accredited by the Sports Therapy Organisation)

Who: Suitable for Registered Practitioners: Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Medical Doctors and final year students of the above professions are eligible to attend this course. If you are not sure of your eligibility please get in touch.

What: This highly practical two day course will introduce participants to the safe and effective application of spinal mobilisation and specific manipulative techniques  (HVLA / Grade 5).

Where: Derbyshire, UK

Regions covered: 

Lumbar Spine: Classic Osteopathic Lumbar Roll technique and modifications.

Thoracic Spine: Supine 'Dog' technique and modifications.

Cervical Spine: Supine cradle and chin hold technique with modifications.

Investment: £379.00 (Refreshments included | Free Parking)

Minimum of 3 - Maximum of 6 participants

Workbook and Certificate of completion provided.

Bonus: 1 week FREE access and ongoing support inside The Applied Technique Hub Membership area


Participants will learn:

  • Be introduced to safe and effective mobilisation and HVLA manipulative techniques that work in a real life modern setting.
  • The relevant applied clinical anatomy that backs up each technique. 
  • The who, what, where, when, why and how of manipulation.
  • Be able to recognise, identify and find the barrier using a combined lever approach. 
  • The underlying principles of technique application via 'The Manipulation Performance Training Circle'.
Booking details

'From the Atlas to the Sacrum' 

Higher Level Course

Next Course: 28th - 29th June 2025

Length: 2 day

Who: Registered Practitioners: Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Medical Doctors and final year students of the above professions are eligible to attend this course.

Pre-requisites Participants will have completed our FOUNDATION course and have a good grasp of anatomy.

What: This course follows on from our FOUNDATION course and delves deeper into the application of mobilisations and HVLA /  grade 5 manipulations.  This thorough and practical course will further develop the high level of skill required to successfully apply these techniques in a clinical setting, as well as revisit the methods learnt in our 2 day FOUNDATION course.

Where: Derbyshire, UK

Regions covered:

Lumbar Spine


Thoracic Spine & Ribs

Cervico-Thoracic Junction

Thoraco-Lumbar Junction

First Rib

Cervical Spine

Upper Cervical Spine

Investment: £379 (Refreshments included | Free parking)

Minimum of 3 - Maximum of 6 Participants

Workbook and Certificate of completion provided.

Bonus: 1 week FREE access and ongoing support inside The Applied Technique Hub Membership area

Participants will learn:

  • The concept and application of the more advanced mid range multiple lever manipulations.
  • How to approach the often difficult upper cervical as well as the challenging junctional regions of the spine. 
  • The application of manipulation with the patient in various positions.
  • The relevant applied clinical anatomy that backs up each technique. 
  • The underlying principles of technique application via 'The Manipulation Performance Training Circle'.
  • Specific Screening Tests
Booking details

'Immersive Manipulation Masterclass'

Lumbar Spine

Next course: dates to be released soon

Length: 1 day course

Who: Suitable for qualified physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors and naprapaths. If you are not sure of your eligibility please get in touch.

What: Spend a whole day refining and developing your lumbar  HVLA manipulation skills becoming more efficient, effective and confident

Where: Derbyshire, UK

Region covered: 

Lumbar Spine

Investment: £179.00 (Refreshments included | Free Parking)

Minimum of 3 - Maximum of 6 participants

Workbook and Certificate of completion provided.

Bonus: 1 week FREE access and ongoing support inside The Applied Technique Hub Membership area

Participants will learn:

  • The classic lumbar roll (combined and multi lever) the compression manipulation and the leg kick manipulation, along with variations an modifications of these to meet the needs of the individual patient.

  • The intricacies and 1% adjustments you specifically need to make in order to perform your lumbar spine HVLA manipulations consistently successful.
  •  As a bonus we will cover the osteopathic 'Two Man' lumbar technique.

Put your name on the waitlist and be the first to hear about the next course dates

'Immersive Manipulation Masterclass'

Cervical Spine

Next course: dates released soon

Length: 1 day course

Who: Suitable for qualified physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors and naprapaths.If you are not sure of your eligibility please get in touch.

What: Spend a whole day immersing yourself in the anatomy, function and manipulations of the cervical spine.

Where: Derbyshire, UK

Regions covered: 

Cervical Spine

Investment: £179.00 (Refreshments included | Free Parking)

Minimum of 3 - Maximum of 6 participants

Workbook and Certificate of completion provided.

Bonus: 1 week FREE access and ongoing support inside The Applied Technique Hub Membership area

Participants will learn:

  • Rotation and sidebending manipulations using the chin and cradle holds, for the upper cervical spine and CT junction. Incorportating combined and multi level approaches.

  • Supine, seated and prone methods.

  • You will have the chance to focus on the effective application of these techniques with the patient in a variety of positions, leaving the day more confident and proficient.

  • How to make the manipulations work consistently for you and your patients.
Put your name on the waitlist and be the first to hear about the next course dates

Get your name on the waitlist for one of our small group courses detailed above

By putting your name on our waitlist and registering your interest in one of our small group courses, we'll make sure you are the first to hear when we run our next course and give you priority booking. We look forward to seeing you one of our courses very soon. 

Upcoming Global Courses

This is where you will find us teaching next

Athens, Greece

Advanced Technique 

 More details coming soon

23-25th May 2025

Ghent, Belgium

The Art of Osteopathic Manipulation

Click here for more details

25th - 27th September 2025

Take a look at our recent international training 

Video Poster Image
Purchase Recorded Version of the Immersive Lumbar Spine Manipulation Masterclass

Get in touch to enquire about hosting a course or if you have a question about any of our CPD training. 

Please complete the form below. We look forward to hearing from you. 

We ALWAYS reply, so if you haven't heard within 48 hours, please check your spam/junk mail in case our reply has found it's way there. Thank you