Our Team
Gila Archer
BA Hons Primary Education, PGcert Physical Literacy, Level 4 Pilates Teacher
Gila has over 20 years experience in teaching and training children and adults. She is a Level 4 Pilates Teacher, Movement Expert and former Physical Education and Development Consultant and Primary School Teacher.
Gila is a published author of 'Enjoy Moving and Feel Fabulous: A Pilates Lifestyle for Busy Women' and has spoken about the importance of moving in today's fast paced, technological society at International Physical Literacy Conferences, online seminars and trained school teachers and early years practitioners. She has also written for the global magazine 'She Corporated'.
She is Co-Founder and Director of The Applied Technique Hub and creator of The Osteopathic Athlete Technique Training Journal and has taught physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors in the UK and across Europe.

Jamie Archer
BOst, PGcert Clinical Anatomy, UKSCA accredited S&C Coach
Internationally renowned teacher and practitioner Jamie Archer has been sharing, applying and developing his hands-on technical skills for over 20 years. He has travelled the world spending time with leading clinicians in the field of manual medicine refining his manipulative skills.
He has taught and shared his approach to technique to thousands of students and practitioners across the globe and continues to be in high demand.
For the first time he is bringing together his vast knowledge and experience in one place as a unique resource to support other professionals on their technique journey.